Aldolfo With Dum Diddle D

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Aldolfo With Dum Diddle D


Aldolfo starts piano lessons, but he didn’t know it was in a Haunted House!

Book 3 teaches where D is on the keyboard.  Join Aldolfo in learning this wonderful language.  Meet you in the Magical, Mystical, Musical Forest.




Aldolfo With Dum Diddle D.  Learn D and the rest is easy.

Book 3 allows the listener and reader alike to peek into Aldolfo’s first piano lesson.   Learning that each number translates to a letter is the first step.  Hint: 2 = D. What comes before D in the alphabet?  C…YES.  What comes after D in the alphabet?  E…YES.  NOW you know C D E.

Book 3 teaches where D is on the keyboard.  Join Aldolfo in learning this wonderful language.  Meet you in the Magical, Mystical, Musical Forest.

NOTE: Visit Contact us to contact us about this book because only physical copies are available

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