- 03 Feb, 2023
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How to read Music Notes
How Do I Read notes on a staff?
Is this a familiar question? If it’s just the treble clef, then that should be easy enough. BUT, when writing a theory exam you are required to know how to read BOTH the treble AND the bass clef. How about learning with a rhyme? Does Every Good Boy Deserve Fun sound familiar? It should…that rhyme has been around for …let’s see …ever. It’s the rhyme I use for my own students when teaching the line notes on a staff for the Treble clef. The spaces in between the lines has always spelled, F A C E. Simple enough? A free PDF download may help. Learning by Rhyme
Students seem to feel more comfortable creating a new rhyme for the Bass clef. The PDF has a rhyme George Buys Dessert Friday Afternoon. Even though that is okay and for the purpose of teaching today is fine, I prefer using the same Rhyme as for the Treble Clef. You need to drop the first word …Every…and start with Good Boys Deserve Fun Always. Did you notice a word needed to be added…Always.
When looking at the notes on a staff it is important to remember to read from the bottom of the staff…UP. Think of climbing a ladder. The four space notes in the Bass clef have their own rhyme as well…All Cows Eat Grass.Another good method is to just know your alphabet A B C D E F G that’s it. The first space in the bass clef (remember to read from the BOTTOM) is A. The line above would be B, the space above is C the line above that is D, the space above D is E…and that’s how it goes.